Friday, August 14, 2009

Cleanin tip - crayon cleanup

“Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow
So quiet down, cobwebs
Dust, go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.”

As a mom, one of the hardest things I try to do is balance my priorities. I want a happy family, clean home, and still manage to make money. It has taken me a long time to realize that I can not do it all. I have also found that the key is to do things the best you can in the time that you have. So here it is ladies, the cleaning tip of the week. Something that will help you save time cleaning and give you more time to spend with those who need you the most.

Crayons can be easily cleaned off most surfaces with Scott's Liquid Gold. Yes ladies, I am serious. Stop spending the money on the Magic Erasers! I found out this gem from cleaning the crayon off my son’s dresser. Now it just takes minutes to get that crayon off the wall, baby gate, windows, and whatever furniture caught my little artist’s eye while I got distracted cooking. The only downside of using this method is you may have to wipe it down again with a rag wet with water afterwards since Scott's Liquid Gold is oily, but my walls have never looked cleaner.

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